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In our world today, baldness is no longer a pressings issue. Men and women either come to terms with it or they can choose to remedy it. There are several ways of fighting baldness. It can include surgery and medication. But, the easiest way to fight is by using a hairpiece. There are so many hairpieces and wigs to choose from. But, how can you pick out the best oneThe use of laser and massage therapies accomplishes this. In the case of early androgenic alopecia, by using a topical application of minoxidil (Rogaine and other brands) or the use of an internal medication, finasteride (Propecia), some hair loss is halted because these medications block DHT from being active in the scalp area. With other forms of hair loss, hair often grows back on its own.If the causes of hair loss can be blocked, the hair could grow anew. So how well do regrowth therapies workHair regrowth therapy using lasers can halt the lossAs Ed Gawerecki at Hans Wiemann Hair Replacement, near St. Louis, Missouri, explains, the therapeutic process begins with questions.e talk about what theye looking for,he says. e try to figure out within reason what we can do within the bounds of rationality.The facility he has helped to manage for many years sees more than 125 people every day, most of whom receive cool laser treatments twice a week as the lynchpin to their program.

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