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During a person"s childhood, regardless of the sex, there is a growth of vellus hair all over the human body. There are a few exceptions like specific genital areas, lips, palms of the hands, soles of the feet, scar tissue, navel, and the soles of the feet. Over time, as the levels of androgen increase in the body during and after puberty, the vellus hair in many parts of the body transforms into terminal hair or androgenic hair. The human pubic area is more sensitive to androgens than any other parts of the body hence; there is a heavy appearance of hair in this region first up. Hair removal for menThese days, it"s not uncommon to come across men who are looking for ways to deal with excess body hair. Moreover, there are quite a number of hair removal methods that men can use.If you're thinking about transitioning from relaxed or curly permed hair to natural, you'd better read this first. If you don't, you may be unhappy with your results and may be out a considerable amount of money. Know what you are getting into before you jump in with both feet! Are you one of those women who has a relaxer or curly perm right now and are considering going natural If you are like me, you will want to learn about hair styles for ethnic hair and how to make the right choice to go natural. Before you take this giant leap, it pays to weigh the options. There are pros and cons to going natural.If you decide to go natural, you should be prepared for the following:State ofYour Hair: First and foremost, your natural hair is considered healthy simply for the fact that you are not using chemicals in it. Chemical-free hair is considered the healthiest hair of all.

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