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Indian Hair Weave Online Sale Store
Today, we are living in a beauty obsessed society. The world of cosmetology is increasing ever since. People are so much fascinated by beauty that they do all possible things to look good. No body is untouched with all the options that are available in the market to look good. So, in the race of looking prettiest, long hair extensions play an important part. These extensions are supplement to our hair that makes hairs look good. It will help you get a hair style of your own choice and will make you confident so that you can also enjoy an esteem position in your society. Sometimes people are known by the kind of hair they have. A long and beautiful hair is always admired by others.Long hair extensions are locks of human or synthetic hair that are placed on your hair either to thicken or to make the length of hair longer as per your choice.A cool water rinse closes the cuticle (the outer most layer of each hair shaft) to keep hair smooth and shiny.4. B. Shampoo belongs on the scalp to dissolve oil and dirt there. Hair length gets clean just by rinsing the shampoo out. Use a dime-sized dollop and rub the product in your hands first, then massage gently over scalp. Don't pile hair up or rub shampoo down through hair ends because both cause damage. A gentle finger-tip massage cleans scalp best without hair damage. Never use fingernails because they scratch and can cause infections!5. False. 'Squeaky clean' means natural oils that keep hair shiny and healthy are stripped from your hair. 6. True. Brushing stiff, sticky hair will cause breakage. Try to switch from sticky styling products that contain alcohol to crme-based styling products, to protect brittle or thin hair.7. C.

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