Indian Virgin Wave Weaves
With a botanical shampoo you are not only paying more for a concentrated product, but for real results. Brands that include natural plants extracts in their shampoo do wonders for your hair rather than just generating lather and adding a drop of extract to make it smell good. Ease Up- If you have chemically relaxed hair that you dye monthly andsometimes decide to put in hot curlers for a girls night out-- be careful. If you are going to put your hair through this much stress every time you go out for a night on the town you are weakening your hair defenses. Take it easy. Go ahead and style for that special night out but don torture your hair on a regular basis. Let your hair rest and regain its strength. Every once in a while, apply a deep conditioning mask. Pour on the conditioner like there was no tomorrow-- concentrating on the ends.These hair care companies had done some research and found that the hair becomes shiny not really because of the beer but rather the hops (a beer ingredient)which added the glow.Using TeaTea is a delicious drink but not many of us know what it can do to our hair. If beer is not your choice to use for shining your hair, then you should try tea. It has been a successful handmade hair remedy that adds shine. I am not asking you to simply setting a tea bag on your scalp because it won't work that way. What you need to do is boil the water then let the teabag time to seep, when the homemade hair care product has had enough time to cool just pour it over your hair.A Second Cup of EspressoIf you are an espresso drinker but are not a fan of both tea and beer.
