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So, what if you can't afford to be spending big bucks at the salon getting fancy hair treatments and $50 haircuts all the time? And what if you don't care to spend your money on the treatments you can do at home that sometimes run at just as high a cost, minus labor of course, that you can buy from high end salons?Well, there's good news, because you can get bouncier, healthier and shinier hair by using some simple, cheap and easy to obtain products that some people may even keep in their homes as habit as a remedy against dry, dull and brittle hair. The first is one of my favorites, and although you may have to get over the initial shock of the smell when you use this on your head, you will love the results it gives when you're through.What household hair remedy am I talking about? Vinegar! Yep, good old fashioned vinegar works as a great shine booster and even helps to cleanse the buildup off of the hair that's left from styling products, dirt, dust, and other environmental factors that lend themselves to dull looking hair.Many people get confused between a normal conditioner that we use after shampooing our hair and a hair conditioning treatment. These are not the same and although they are both called conditioners, they work in different ways.A conditioner that is applied after shampooing and then rinsed out is really only used to make the hair easier to comb, to provide the hair with a protective coating which will to minimise damage to the hair and to make the hair look shiny and feel soft and silky. A hair conditioning treatment on the other hand will do all this and more.Not everyone needs to use a conditioner or a hair conditioning treatment. If your hair his particularly oily for example, and is healthy looking and manageable then there's no need to apply a conditioner or a hair conditioning treatment. In fact doing so could have the opposite effect on the look of the hair and end up weighing it down making it look flat and even oilier.
