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So you're looking for a new hair style. Your hair may be short or fine. And you want to sew in some hair extensions. Well my name is Sylvia Russell, and this is how you sew in hair extensions. So I have my hair, I've picked it curly and dark so that you can see the contrast between the light and the dark. You can actually see how it's done. You've got to first put a braid at the back of your hair. This is the most conventional way to sew in hair extensions. Once you've created your base of a braid, you can begin your hair extensions. Now you're going to use a needle and thread like I have here. And as you can see I've already attached it to the base hair extension that I'm going to use. So now what I'm going to do is place it right on the braid, go under the braid, and through the top of the hair extension here.In this manner, it is believed that the hair becomes weak and thus becomes more vulnerable to breakage or falling off. Scalp irritation can also ensue.However, while that is a great possibility, there is a large scale of conflicting evidence to suggest that the hair on the scalp grows by 10 to 15 per cent faster during summertime than during winter season. In fact, it has been proven that the hair grows fastest during summer and slowest during winter. The hot weather is believed to improve the blood flow to the scalp by which the hair cells are nourished and hair growth is stimulated. As opposed to during summertime, the blood circulation during winter slows down and so hair cells grow slower.The bottom line is that the summertime can affect hair growth in both good and bad ways.

Full Lace Front Wigs
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