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Other than the very costly procedure of laser hair removal, what are some of the other options that men have for hair removal Well, in short, they have the same options that women have to remove hair on the most sought after spot on their body to get hair gone, their legs.There are special devices called epilators that work for both men and women to pull body hair out by its root, and make it more difficult for hair at those locations to grow back.Once the hair does grow back, especially after a few times around with an epilator, it is very soft and finer than it was before, making it less noticeable and a heck of a lot more aesthetically pleasing.These epilators are primarily made for women, because that is their target market, but there are a few that are marketed for the removal of male hair as well, that are more distinctly engineered for coarser and harder to remove hairs.They can run the gamut when it comes to pricing though, anywhere from fifty to hundreds of dollars in some cases, and with these devices, you do often get what you pay for.Furthermore, patients have to commit themselves to the use of finasteride or any other adequate medicinal hair loss therapy for the rest of their lives to prevent further loss of hair.Topicals and pills do not, despite significant scientific advances and the discoveries of recent years, provide satisfactory hair restoration results yet. The two most frequently prescribed hair loss drugs, finasteride and topical minoxidil, can be effectively used to reduce hair loss in many patients but their ability to regrow lost hair is insufficient. Their effectiveness generally declines sharply in the later stages of the balding process. There is no existing medicinal or natural hair loss remedy that can deliver adequate visual results comparable to either hair transplant surgery or non-surgical hair replacements such as wigs and concealers. Although there are some promising medicinal hair loss drugs currently under development, mainly in the area of genetic research, the ultimate pill for baldness is not expected to become commercially available within the next fifteen years.

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