Kinky Human Hair Swiss Lace Wigs
The wig business now is crazy . it's just exploding, says French wig maker Julien d'Ys, talking by telephone from Paris. D'Ys is renowned for his avantgarde, flamboyant and fantastical wigs that have appeared in Vogue, Vanity Fair and W; his collaborations with designers Yves Saint Laurent, Chanel and Comme des Garons; and several exhibitions at the Costume Institute of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, including "AngloMania," "Superheroes: Fashion and Fantasy" and "Dangerous Liaisons."Pat hair to remove excess water and if possible air dry your hair wigs. Do not rub with a towel as it may cause harsh damage. You may also use hair dryer but make sure to use ones with diffuser or set it to medium temperature. Using of high heat blow-dry can damage your hair and reduce its gorgeous look.Brush the hair gently with a vent brush or wide tooth comb and do not exert great amount of force to tangled hair strands to maintain its silkiness and smoothness.Use of moisturizing treatment can be done once a week.Hair StorageKeeping your hair wigs when not in use is just as important as when you use them. You have to store them in such a way that it will be prevent them from being damaged. For easier storage, keep the wig on its wire stand or you can use satin cloth after wrapping the hair as it helps to absorb oils and unnecessary moisture out of the hair. Avoid using cotton cloth as it causes the hair to be frizzy and dry and will lead to split ends and hair breakage.

Regular Price: $245.00
Special Price $171.50