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锟絉un your fingers through my hair.锟絀鈥檓 shy to do this in a parking lot, but I do. I explore his head with my fingertips searching for some sign that this kid is putting me on. I feel no creases or bumps aside from the normal features of his scalp and head. I examine his hairline. I see hairs growing everywhere. I look closer.锟紸ll of the hair on top isn鈥檛 mine,锟?he says. 锟絋he hair on the sides and back is mine.锟? Then the talk turns serious. 锟絎hen I began losing my hair at age 17, I wanted to die. I didn鈥檛 believe I would ever find anyone to love me and I hid in a hat for five years before I found White Cliffs on the Internet. They had just opened here in Indianapolis. They are a British company but now they鈥檙e here. To me, they are the coolest thing to come from England since the Beatles.锟絁eremy tells me he is performing a poetry reading on campus this very night, an 锟給pen mic锟?affair. He tells me that his restored hair allows him to focus because he isn鈥檛 worried about what other people are thinking. 锟絋his is the best money I’ll ever spend,” he says before driving off.Hair is in a constant cycle of growth, rest and renewal - it is natural to shed some hair each day. Androgenetic hair loss is triggered by androgen hormones and occurs in folks having a genetic susceptibility. It is most likely that a number of genes determine the susceptibility to baldness. Some of these genes come from the mother's side and some from the father's side of the loved ones. Hormonal imbalances, the contraceptive pill or the effects of corticosteroids may also be responsible for baldness in women.

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