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Androgen is the hormone that is responsible for hair growth in your body. What happens in some men is that an enzyme called 5 alphas attaches itself to the androgen hormone witch in turn allows testosterone to adhere to the Androgen hormone. The result is that instead of promoting hair growth the hybrid hormone called Dihydotestosterone or DHT for short dramatically shortens your hair's growth cycle. The problem with DHT is that it not only shortens your hairs natural life spam of two to six years it acts to prevent the new hair follicles from forming.Minoxidil the only government approved hair loss ingredient acts to block the adhesion of the 5 Alfa enzyme to your natural hair growth hormone Androgen. By doing so allows your hair's regrowth process to start anew. This process can take some time depending upon the amount of damage the DHT hormone has done to your hair follicles.Just like on any farm hair re-growth takes a combination of products. Minoxidil is like a pesticide for getting rid of what's attacking your crop.If minoxidil fails to produce effect, dermatologists often prescribe spironolactone. This is actually a synthetic steroid formerly intended to diminish high blood pressure. Thus it is a diuretic. Hence, preventive measures for electrolyte loss must be practiced. This drug blocks the male hormone receptors that cause hair loss (more specifically DHT). The mode of action is similar to the drug finasteride, the only other hair loss medicine that has been passed by the FDA. Finasteride is not indicated for female hair loss because this drug is known to interfere with childbirth and may cause fetal damage. Some dermatologists do prescribe finasteride to post-menopausal women.

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