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When oily hair is already producing too much oil, the last thing you want to do is stimulate the glands even more! So always avoid brushing too much.Some problems which can be caused through severe oily hair include the hair falling out. This is particularly true in men over the age of thirty five. Oily hair can also lead to dandruff which again can cause all kinds of other problems. Another contributing factor to oily hair is if you sleep on the wrong kind of pillows. You really should sleep on cotton pillows and they should be washed frequently. Cotton pillows absorb the oil so that it does not go on your hair. č½Washing your hair everyday is recommended, though if you do choose to do this, you need to make sure that you use a mild shampoo instead of one that is designed especially for oily hair as these can often be a lot harsher than mild ones.We seem to have the best luck with tape in or individual glue in at my salon. It's somewhat personal preference. Tape in are slightly cheaper, and generally will do less damage to your hair, plus the install and upkeep are way less time. The glue in do seem to last a little longer and be a bit stronger, but they do cause more damage. I'd encourage you to call a stylist or salon that does extensions and schedule a consult. It may be free or they may charge a few dollars and then take that cost off the final price. They can explain to you in detail pros and cons of each type, plus you will have to color match to your hair which cannot be done over the internet or phone. I've had glue in before, and they were great. I want to do them again but don't have the money right now. Next time though I will try the tape in just to be able to compare.

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