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This should simply takes place on a hair salon and done by a professional hairstylist who has been taught with the Yuko hair straightening method. This is important so that you as a customer is assured on the best result and your safety is not jeopardized. Before anything else, hair examination should be done to enable the stylist to inform if your hair can go through the strong heat process.Why Yuko Hair StraighteningThe reason why the Yuko hair treatment is effective is because it requires careful bond reconstruction in the bone of the hair in order for the hair's appearance to be changed into some thing far better. What happens initially is that the hair is cleaned and sprayed with hair water that is pH balanced and to get the hair ready for the neutralized solution. Next comes the pre-treatment treatment which is actually for the intention of safeguarding the hair from damage.Aplicaci Las extensiones de cabello se aplican en uno o dos mtodos. El primero utiliza trenzas apretadas que son entrelazadas a lo largo del cuero cabelludo del cabello del usuario. Una vez que las trenzas se han completado, se cosen en el armazn de las trenzas para asegurarlas. Este es un proceso largo, a menudo lleva varias horas en completarse, y a algunos les resulta doloroso, ya que hay que jalar del cabello que se coloca en el cuero cabelludo. Tambin puedes unirlas a tu cabello existente. Es un proceso ms caro, pero algunos piensan que es preferible, ya que toma menos tiempo y es menos doloroso. Al unirlas, los tejidos de pelo se pegan entre s usando un pegamento de unin especial que se aplica con moderacin cerca del cuero cabelludo.

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