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The Sassoon hair dryers are made for curly hair, straight hair, dry hair, colored hair, etc. You can use them every day and not have to worry about burning your hair or electrocuting yourself. That聮s not to say you can聮t go out and buy any hair dryer you want. After all there are thousands to choose from. I just believe that Vidal Sassoon has taken every factor into consideration. When you go shopping for a hair dryer, you can choose one that costs $15 or $300 and that really depends on you but you need to pay attention to the following elements. How the Hair Dryer Heats You should pay attention to the heating method used. When you buy a cheap hair dryer you will usually get either a plastic or metal heating element.聽 Both of these elements are a little difficult to temperature control. These coils often overheat and leave hair super dry but damaged dry.For instance hormone levels are effected with pregnancy, the birth, thyroid conditions, stopping birth control pills, and menopause. Once hormones get back to normal levels normal hair growth will begin, however it should be noted that the hair it self may be slightly different in texture or appearance. Mechanical damage of the hair follicles can lead to hair loss or hair thinning. If injury of the hair follicles is severe this can lead to scarring causing substandard growth or permanent loss of growth. Mechanical damage can be caused by diseases, infections of the scalp, or by over processing. It is important to keep your scalp healthy and to be gentle with your hair in general. It is believed that even excess wearing of ponytails and braids can cause damage to the hair follicles by the constant pull.

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