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To begin, the strongest rule pertaining to growing black hair long and solid is always to quit employing chemical compounds in your hair. Just put your hair on cute buns and from time to time use a warm hair comb. If you do that 1 suggestion you will have tough dark hair You should also try to avoid commercial hair shampoos and conditioners! Work with a herbal shampoo at most, better yet is to apply a hair oil and scrub your hair using luke comfy water To be able to grow your hair quickly, try to avoid cleansing your hair using very hot water! Scorching water will certainly destroy your hair follicles and be a catalyst for hair loss and head deterioration! Next advice I have is to wash your hair more often utilizing water. Once every week just will not do if you wish to grow black long hair.Miss Delaware Kayla Martell Suffers from Alopecia AreataKayla's road from Alopecia Areata to the 2011 Miss America Pageant is an inspirational story.Kayla Martell, the 2010 Miss Delaware, is in many ways a typical beauty pageant contestant. She's gorgeous, of course, with the kind of blue eyes that pretty much define the word "sparkle," a lovely figure that looks at home in both a swimsuit and an evening gown, and a smile that radiates enough warmth and electricity to put Con Edison out of business. She's intelligent as well, and the list of charities with which the 21-year-old is associated proves that she possesses one of those hearts that can always find room for one more good cause.But while Martell has an abundance of looks, charm, brains, personality and compassion, she is lacking in one area normally associated with pageant contestants: hair.