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Are you sick of using mousse or hair gels in making your hair behave Why don't you try out the new hair trend called hair waxing The said product was specifically to restore the texture of the hair and make it look as good as possible. Bed head, a popular hair company recently launched a number of products that can be used by both sexes. You will surely find the product that is best for you no matter what is your present hair texture. Even popular Hollywood hair stylist Jonathan Antin recently came up with hair products for our hair problems! It is very evident in the hair trend industry today that the hair products that are made to renovate the health or your hair and protects it from past chemical procedures. A lot of individuals especially models and celebrities abuse their hair by doing perm after perm. It is important that they have their hair products with them daily to be able to maintain the hair's natural texture and shine. Undergoing too much hair procedures will cause dry hair. It will also leave your hair crispy and limp.Age can be a vital factor causing hair fall. As you get older, experiencing this problem is a normal part of the aging process and this is referred to as Androgenetic Alopecia. It is commonly called male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness with respect to men and woman respectively. Testosterone, present in both men and women, is converted to dilhydrotestosterone (DHT) by an enzyme. DHT shrinks hair follicles. Hence, when hair falls, it is not replaced.
