maintaining brazilian body wave hair
Perhaps after reading about the cost, you may be either contemplating if you should or shouldn't go for applying the extensions, or worried about spending so much money. But you don't have to worry or turn down the idea of getting the extensions. What you need to search for is a hair designer or an extension stylist who has experience in fusing hair strands. With professional help and guidance, you can easily choose the brand, type, length, and color of the extensions that would enhance your overall appearance. Plus, your hair stylist will also give you specific maintenance instructions on how to remove the extensions as well.The best thing about synthetic wigs is that the wig usually has a style molded into it but however there are some that can be reset into varying styles. It even dries faster than real hair, which means it much more convenient. Synthetic wigs need to be protected from heat. So you must never use blow dryer or curling iron on it. Never use cotton or cotton swabs to clean the scalp as cotton can sometimes leave strands of fiber on your hairline. Firstly, read the instructions of the manufacturer carefully and ensure that you have all the necessary items needed for applying the wig. Put your natural hair into a braid or ponytail or wrap or pin-curl it for the smooth fixing of the wig. If you want, you can wear a wig cap over your hair to protect it against the liquid adhesive. Place your full lace wig on your head and using an eyebrow pencil mark the outline of the wig hairline on your forehead. Typically, extended wear bonding adhesives, such as Endura Bond and Ultra Hold Adhesive, are used to fix full lace wigs to the head.
