full lace Human hair

Malaysian Hair Hair Extension
Many men and women across the world choose to remove unwanted body hair. The reasons for use of lasers for hair removal can be cosmetic, social, cultural, or medical. Medical and cosmetic indications for laser hair removal also include hirsutism, which is a condition characterized by excessive terminal hair growth on face, chest, back, abdomen. Laser hair removal the latest hirsutism treatmentLaser hair removal is a relatively new method available for long-term hair reduction. Unlike electrolysis, laser treatment can target multiple follicles simultaneously. Since women with hirsutism have dark, thick hair which is different from the fine hair that some women have on their upper lip, chin, breasts or stomach, laser hair removal as hirsutism treatment is quite suitable.The biggest advantage of laser hair removal treatment is that it may be used on large areas of the body.Hair loss is a natural side effect of old age but some men can experience hair loss as early on as during the onset of puberty. The causes of hair loss are also varied. A popular belief states that hair loss is inherited through the maternal side but the chances of inheriting this trait are 50%. Myths relating to hair loss have been found to range from wearing hats that are too tight to standing on one's head for too long- these however are myths and nothing more. The actual causes for hair loss are varied- exposure to chemicals; poisons and treatments such as chemotherapy are known to lead to hair loss. Another factor is undue stress, emotional or otherwise, trauma and depression. Certain illnesses also induce hair loss as a symptom. Tumors and various kinds of outgrowths of the skin have also resulted in hair loss. Another very important cause is an unhealthy diet and lifestyle.

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