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Clip on hair is the latest and most effective way to achieve gorgeous long thick hair instantly without the need to go to the salon. Clip on hair can be easily applied by yourself and in less than 15 minutes in the privacy of your own home. It is a great alternative to permanent hair extensions and it is also more cost effective. So what exactly is clip on hair, how does it work and what are their benefitsMany people are now discovering and hearing the wild raves about clip on hair but many still don't understand what they are and if they will be a suitable choice for them. Clip on hair can also be called clip in hair extensions and they are non-permanent hair extensions that are applied with easy-to-use clips. They work by being clipped into your own hair and they create instant long beautiful hair and they have many benefits compared to permanent hair extensions.Clip-in hair extensions can take your style from short to swinging in just a few minutes, and you can insert clip-in extensions without messy glues or chemicals right at home. Celebrity stylists like Jon Renau, Ken Paves and Tony of Beverly bring the cache of flowing locks to the mass market with clip-in hair extensions that add volume, length and even create bangs for not a lot of bucks. You can add anywhere from 10 inches to 26 inches of length instantly with clip-in hair extensions. Want to add natural highlights or a funky color without dyes or chemicals EasiLites human hair clip-in extensions by Jon Renau give you a wide choice of vibrant or natural colors to change your look instantaneously.

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