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Hair loss is a normal process that involves loss of around 50 to 100 scalp hairs everyday. When hair loss starts exceeding this limit then you should start worrying about that hair loss. Baldness is a condition that results when the hair regeneration is, at an extremely slow rate compared to the hair loss rate.Hair loss is caused by many reasons most of the time the reason is Androgenetic Alopecia also known as Male or female pattern hair loss. Telogen Effluvium is the type of hair loss that is caused from stress. The stress causes the hair in the resting phase to fall out without providing any replacement of the hair, thus resulting in baldness.Read more on Hair Loss Remedy and Stop Hair Fall and also visit on Home Remedies for Hair LossVitamins for Hair LossIt is already known that vitamins are vital for the health of a human being but it is a lesser known truth that regular consumption of vitamins can actually put a stop to hair loss and even encourages hair development.The vitamins help by blocking up further production of di-hydro testosterone (DHT).November 5, 2013 -- Children battling through chemotherapy treatments will get some comfort with a prosthetic scalp created by a New York city award-winning innovator and wig expert Egypt Lawson.Egypt Lawson, CEO of Hairline Illusions, has created a replacement scalp to replace damage from regular chemotherapy treatments. "The realism of the prosthetic is so precise that celebrities are currently wearing them and you don't even know it," Lawson said. There are three major causes of hair loss and baldness in the United States. They are:ChemotherapyAlopeciaSevere BurnsThese conditions result in stress and physical pain, which can lead to scalp infections, inflammation of the hair follicles and rashes. For children, the psychological and emotional toll of hair loss is large. The traditional wig is not an option for these people.They instead are candidates for the "Healing Cap Prosthesis - Medi Cap," which Lawson created as sort of a "replacement scalp." The prosthesis can provide the same benefits of a healthy scalp such as:Stimulates the healing from the effects of the chemotherapy, alopecia or burns.
