full lace Human hair

Qingdao Human Hair Lace Wigs
Hair Extensions way to get longer and fuller hair. There are many different types of Hair Extensions on the market, but for the sake of simplicity we will focus on two main types of application methods: Individual Strands and Wefts. Individual method involves taking small amounts of extension hair (natural or synthetic ) and applying to small sections of your own hair by either weaving in, heat fusing, gluing, clamping with metal rods or using waxes and polymers. These extensions usually only last a few months before they have to be taken out and completely re-done. The main problem with this method is taking the Hair Extensions out without damaging your own hair. Hair extensions have been around forever, but recently there has been technological advancement in the industry and modern day hair extensions are becoming readily available and even affordable.Start creating waves. Use a hot flat iron and clamp a small section of hair between the plates. Divide your hair into smaller sections if your hair is difficult to hold curl or if you want more waves. Use larger sections for hair that is curly, holds styles well or if you want a looser wave. Roll the flat iron toward your scalp. Hold until hair feels warm, and then release clamp. Move to the next section of hair without handling the one you have just curled. Continue until all your hair has waves.

Full Lace Front Wigs
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