Qingdao Human Hair Black Color Wigs
Eventually the hair thinning will cease once the hormonal balance is brought back into alignment.Some people only need to check and adjust any hormonal imbalances to help prevent hair growth problems. The one thing to undertake before anything else is to talk with your doctor concerning your specific case of pattern baldness. He or she will be able to do some blood work and see if any imbalances or other possible medical justifications, that may cause hair loss, can be ruled out. Also, any causes found by your doctor will quite often stop once it is properly treated.3. Medications or DrugsWhile illegal drugs certainly do damage to your hair, including sudden hair loss, a number of legal prescription drugs may also cause sudden hair loss in some women. Research has mentioned quite often certain drugs that tend to cause abrupt women's hair loss in which hair falls out in clumps or patches. These include Nexium, Accutane for acne, and a host of anti-convulsants for seizure disorders. Others are the majority of anti-coagulants containing Wafarin, and most anti-depressants.Always clean your lace wig after use with lace release and 99% pure isopropyl alcohol, otherwise the dirt will get deposited on the hair strands and it will lose its shine.2. Wash it carefully taking care that the hair strands do not tangle and never brush a wig with curls, hand comb only.3. Use only salt free and paraben free shampoos and conditioners and use a natural oil like pure Moroccan argon oil to replenish the natural oils.4. If your human hair lace wig or virgin remy yaki straight lace front wig gets damaged immediately get it repaired by a professional wig maker who can fix tears, reknot the hair and clean it properly. This will naturally cost you a little bit but by doing this you will actually add life & longevity to your lace wig.5. Take proper care while you remove or apply the human hair lace wig otherwise the lace can get easily damaged. Always use a good quality adhesive to stick the wig down and be sure that the glue you are using is safe both for your skin as well as the lace of the wig.
