full lace Human hair

Quality African American Remy Hair Wigs
Nivel de dificultad: Moderada Otras personas estn leyendoFunda de sedaGorra de nataciInstrucciones 1 Peina tus extensiones a diario, comenzando desde la parte inferior del cabello y deslizndote hacia arriba. Algunas extensiones, como aquellas hechas de cabello sinttico se deben peinar con menos frecuencia. Las extensiones naturales se pueden peinar en la forma en que lo haces con tu cabello natural. Hazlo con suavidad y quita los nudos con los dedos, en caso de ser posible en lugar de usar un peina para separarlos, lo que puede daar las extensiones.The lace is the part of the wig that has to be trimmed and properly sewn to achieve the proper shape of the wearer's head. 3. The materials that are used in making wigs vary in their sources, length, texture and color. The manufacturer of the wig chooses from a variety of hair when he starts to make the hairpiece. The design also dictates the type of material that will be used for the wig. The chosen material is then aligned in a hackle which is a device that is used to straighten hair. This tool also weeds out the weaker strands of hair which are not fit for wig-making. If there is more than one material to be used, this device will also even out the varieties. 4. The term used to refer to the tying of hair strands into a wig lace is ventilation. The hair is folded into half so that the strands can be taken off from the center.

Full Lace Front Wigs
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