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Oh I have read about hair loss shampoos that you can use every day, and if you do then maybe after three months or so your own hair grows back. The problem with them is that they cost a lot of money, and you have to continue to use them or your hair just falls out again. And I am not sure but what they have side affects. I mean, if you are using a hair loss medication to grow hair, isn't it a potent medicineTo a lot of people, coming up with great ideas for Halloween costumes is a feat that requires detailed planning and artistic talent, too. The most challenging part would be putting together a costume that will look as realistic as you want them to be. Well, this is a fun and awesome scheme that you'll definitely enjoy. First, consider a handful of costume ideas that you're interested in. Choose something that you're comfortable with. You can opt to portray your fave movie character or you can follow the latest trends and create a costume of the most popular movie character of the year. You may want to go for a more classic Halloween costume such as a pirate, a vampire, or even a gypsy. If you want something more gothic, then why not dress up as a mummy, a witch, graveyard fairy or anything you could think of that actually looks eerie. Well, if you're not cut out for these scary costume ideas; you can surely show up in the Halloween party as an angel, a fairy, a renaissance countess, a Roman empress, a Viking princess and whole lot more.