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However, what exactly is skin weft hair, micro links, and silicone micro links For one, they are hair extension techniques that will not damage your hair and they can last for weeks on end.Micro links hair extensions as mentioned before are imperceptible to the naked eye. They are matched strand by strand to your hair, something like fusion but unlike fusion no resin or bonding is used. Upon finish, this extension matches your hair texture and can be combed and styled as you would your natural hair because guess what, it feels like just that, natural. The silicone micro link uses the same technique as the micro link but these rings are lined with silicone to provide cushion for the hair when it is being pinched and the best part of this, it can last for up to a year without ever changing the hair.When this is the cause of hair loss, hair will grow back when the stress is taken.Not only does stress cause your hair to fall out, it can also cause your hair to turn gray. The hair is the beneficiary of the effort that we have in our daily lives.It is the first part of the body to suffer due to stress levels. When you are sick, not eating healthy or if there are drugs in particular, the hair will show a reaction to all these.As you can see, stress and hair loss are closely linked in both men and women. Limiting their levels of stress is one of the ways to prevent the problem of premature hair loss.Many people never consider food as a cause of hair loss, but it is important to look at this possible source if you are losing hair. Just as a healthy diet can promote a healthy head of hair, an unhealthy diet can lead to a significant loss.