Remy Mongolian Human Hair Weave
A temporary dye last until you wash it out with shampoo, demi permanent lasts 3-5 washes or 2-3 weeks, semi permanent lasts for 6-8 shampoos or 4-6 weeks and permanent hair color doesn't wash out but the roots need to be touched up every once in a while. The next thing to consider is the condition of your hair. Most hair color products will advise to wait a certain period of time to dye your hair again because of the damage that its harsh chemicals does to the hairs original condition. Each box's instructions also advise to do a color patch test so you can prevent damaging your hair before you even start. This is especially helpful when you are bleaching your hair. The next thing to consider is what color you'd like to achieve. Many LOreal hair dye packages will feature a chart with different natural colors and an after picture of what color it would be if you were to choose that color. With L'Oreal's many color choices, it is likely you will find the color you are looking for at an affordable price.There are many types and qualities available. However, the best and most favored among them are the lace front wigs. The lace front wigs, just as the name suggests, are wigs that have the hair tied up through a front applicable lace. This lace is of exceptional quality and comes in two types - French and Swiss. The French one is easier to maintain hence it is much more popular than its Swiss counterpart.
