Unprocessed Front Lace Wigs
Although plain white vinegar works fine, apple cider vinegar seems to be the preferred vinegar. As your hair is drying you will smell vinegar but once your hair dries there will be no smell. Using lemon thinly sliced, 2 cups water, 1 teaspoon rubbing alcohol - Place lemon slices in water and boil until half of the initial amount remains. Cool mixture, strain liquid and add alcohol. Place hair spray in a spray bottle and it can be stored for up to two weeks without refrigeration. Combine1/2 cup of dried rosemary leaves and 1/2 cup soybean oil and heat until warm. Strain through a fine strainer or cheesecloth. Coat the entire head and hair with the oil mixture, working it through to the ends. Wrap hair in plastic wrap and wrap in a warm towel. Leave oil on hair for 15 minutes. Wash hair until oil is completely removed. Mayonnaise gives dry hair a good conditioning. Apply one-half cup of mayonnaise to your dry unwashed hair, then cover with a plastic bag and wait for fifteen minutes. Rinse a few times before shampooing thoroughly. Or, use plain yogurt mixed with one egg instead and then shampoo.Apart from the commercial hair conditioners and moisturizing hair care products, a wide range of homemade products can also be used for moisturizing and managing curly hair. Hot oil treatment is the simplest and the most effective way to replenish your hair. Natural oils like olive, almond, sesame, or coconut oil can protect your hair from dryness. Just warm the oil and message it gently on the scalp and leave it overnight. The next day, shampoo your hair and apply a good conditioner.
