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The reason that hair transplantation can be so successful is that each follicular unit is complete and can be removed and replaced to a new location in much the same way you transplant a garden plant with its roots attached.7.A person's individual hair growth cycle, which can last from two to seven years, dictates his or her ultimate hair length, if it was not cut for that long. The "anagen" phase is a period of active growth and hair follicle regeneration. The "catagen" phase is when that follicle stops growing new hair, which often results in natural, normal hair shedding. Next is the "telogen" (resting) phase, in which the follicle remains dormant for a few months until it is reawakened by a new anagen growth phase. "Exogen" is the term that describes hair shedding as old hairs become dislodged by new ones, which usually takes place at the onset of a new anagen phase.8.Because of these phases, it's important to realize that natural hair shedding of 100-200 hairs daily is perfectly normal and a natural part of hair growth. This is not considered to be the hair loss we dread.9.This tablet has been widely utilized to treat high blood pressure and fluid retention in Australia given that the 1960s. It blocks the effect of androgen hormones. In ladies, androgens can trigger oily skin, acne, undesirable facial and body hair, and scalp hair loss. Spironolactone may be utilized to treat all of these conditions but demands a prescription from your doctor. Spironolactone just isn't suggested for men. Pregnant and breastfeeding females or women with severe kidney disease, hyperkalaemia or Addison's disease really should not take minoxidil.

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