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But if a woman goes bald out into the street, then she is ridiculed and becomes an element to be laughed at. Either way no one wants to be a victim of hair loss problem and thus hair growth products play a crucial role in lives of both males and females. The hair growth products that don work are the ones that are mostly just colouring products with minimal vitamins and necessary nutrients. Ideally you should look for the products which treat the root of the problem and treat it properly. Hair growth occurs from the root up, so when the root is damaged, the hair growth will be negatively affected. So if you are taking proper care of the hair root, then automatically the hair also becomes healthy. There are many effective hair growth products available in the market. Rogaine is an over-the-counter drug that treats androgenetic alopecia areata. This is a liquid which is rubbed over the scalp twice a day and this will keep the hair growing and prevent further hair loss. The hair that grows from the use of this particular product will not be as thick and full as your natural hair.Using herbal remedies that stimulate hair growth and stop the hair loss is a practice that is common to many cultures around the world. Nature has thankfully provided us with myriad of plants that offer relief for any problem or disease. Hair fall is unfortunately one of the plagues of modern times, with over 65% of women and men over 20 suffering from this condition.Hair thinning can be caused by so many factors that it is sometimes hard to pinpoint the exact cause, unless it is a hereditary condition. Men are usually affected by the gene that causes pattern hair loss, but women are not immune to hair loss either. Taking good care of our hair is the first thing we can do against premature hair loss. Herbal remedies can be used as a hair growth treatment, but also as preventive measures for hair thinning.Walnut and nettle leaves infusion stimulates hair growth, improves blood circulation in the scalp area, prevents oiliness, treats dandruff, and stops excessive hair loss. Both of these plants are extremely effective against hair loss, and also accelerate hair growth.

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