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This will give your hair more movement and vitality.Headnote: Clean hair is healthy hair but over washing can do more harm than good by stripping of natural essential oils. If you have dry and/or damaged hair, wash your hair only about every 7 days. If your hair is oily, washing it more often may be necessary. But whether dry or oil, use caution while washing (and combing after washing) to avoid breakage as hair is in its weakest state when it is wet.2. Conditioners must be rinsed out completely to avoid weighing the hair down. Rinse in cold water if your hair is oily. This will close the pores in your scalp preventing excess oil to saturate your hair. On the contrary, rinse in hot water if your hair is dry. The hot water will draw natural oils from your scalp through the length of your hair creating a natural shine. Not too hot though, you don't want to burn your scalp!3.A full head of hair is associated with youthfulness, manhood and sex appeal, so when hair loss occurs it can come as something of a blow to the psyche. Depending on the type of hair loss, treatments are available. Although many people do not have visible hair loss, hair loss is a natural daily occurrence. Approximately 50 to 150 hairs are lost each day, but most hair regenerates because the hair follicle remains intact. If the follicles shrink due to heredity, hormones, stress, infection, certain prescription medication, illness, nutritional deficiency or age, the hair is not restored. When shedding significantly surpasses hair growth, baldness occurs. This Male Pattern Baldness usually begins at the forehead or on the top of the head, and progresses to the familiar horseshoe-shaped fringe of hair. Depending on your type of hair loss, treatments are available.

Full Lace Front Wigs
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