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Las extensiones de cabello a menudo son una inversin costosa en tu aspecto. Estas son una forma popular de obtener un cabello ms largo con una textura y un color diferente sin tener que alterar qumicamente tu cabello natural. Desafortunadamente, estas tienen sus problemas que van desde el dolor y la picazn a los mechones enredados que son difciles de mantener. Si te aseguras de cuidar de tus extensiones en forma adecuada y de evitar que se anuden podrs disfrutarlas ms y durante ms tiempo.Cleared in 2003 through the FDA to be used along with laser hair removal upon blonde hair, Meladine, that is made from naturally-occurring substances present in the ink of aquatic squid, enhances the natural melatonin within hair roots. This enables the lasers utilized in removal to properly target blonde hair.Grouping of Your Hair and Skin Group for Laser Hair RemovalMedical doctors will classify your skin based on a system known as "The Fitzpatrick Chart", and it is useful to be familiar with this system in prep for your discussion with an advisor or doctor.Skin Categories on the Fitzpatrick Guide:TYPE I: Quite pale and at risk of burning, never ever tans.TYPE II: Really susceptible to sun, frequently burns, challenging to tan.TYPE III: Sensitive to sunshine, sometimes burns, tans slowly and gradually to brown color.

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