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Avoid Unhealthy Practices: The following practices should be minimized or avoided in order to maintain the health of your hair:*Pulling hair back too tightly: The pony tail or braid hairstyle requires the hair to be pulled back. This will cause the hair to come out of the roots. Try to adopt different hair styles, so that your hair has time to recover. Hair that is regularly pulled back will grow back in patches.*Minimizes chemical treatments: Perming, hot ironing, oil treatments, straightening, and styling are common examples of chemical treatments. They make the hair dry and result in hair loss.*Excessive blow-drying: Excessive heat from hair dryer damages, hair follicles, which leads to hair falling out. Or minimize the heat setting on your dryer.*Wet combing or rough toweling: This causes the root strands to be pulled out, stretched, or breaks.However, it can be said that a person does not inherit this problem from a particular member in the family.It has been found through new and advanced researches that that you can become bald because of inheriting this problem from either side of the family. Baldness is a very common disorder which can occur both in males as well as females. It can pass from one generation to another and so you have to be very careful regarding your hairs. However, it may skip one generation where there is no loss of any hair. Moreover, it has also been observed that it has shown two different results on brothers belonging to the same family. Therefore, the surgeon might recommend for the Best Hair Grafting in Kolkata depending upon the condition and structure of the hair. It can be regarded as a permanent solution to the problem of hairfall.

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