Braid Bundless
If you're a man who has noticed some thinning of your hair lately then you need to learn a little more about the causes of thinning hair in men. There are some well recognised causes of hair thinning in men and most of them can be tackled successful.The causes of thinning hair in men can be a little different to those for women. The major cause is what is known as male pattern baldness, or androgenic alopecia. This is the inherited condition where a man inherits a gene from his forebears that predisposes him to genetic hair loss. However even if your father and grandfather were bald that doesn't mean that you will be too. However the chances of that are high.Statistically 4 out of 7 men carry the gene for male pattern baldness. Studies have shown that around 73 percent of men will experience some form of inherited balding during their lifetime.First clip back all the hair from your human hair wig away from your face. You will now not only get a good view of the lace seam but also make sure that the adhesive remover you use does not come in contact with your wig hair. You can either use an alcohol based adhesive remover or one that is oil based. The former dries the skin and can cause irritation to people with dry skin but do not leave any residue behind. The oil based adhesive remover needs to be washed off completely after the wig is removed or else you will have problems when it comes to application of the wig the next time round. Use a cotton bud which has been dipped in the adhesive remover and apply it along the edge of the lace seam. After a few minutes, you will find that you can see the seam peeling away from your face of its own accord.
