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As far as being effective products, herbal shampoos and conditioners are no more reliable than most other over-the-counter products when it comes to regenerating lost hair. Once again, before you spend your money, go spend some time visiting with your physician.Some of the products that are available actually have adverse effects instead of producing the desired results. For example, you may get hold of a product that will cause hair to grow in unwanted places on your body, such as on your upper lip. By talking to your doctor you can learn the causes of hair loss and help protect yourself from these horrible products.There are 9 things you need to know in order to deal successfully with hair loss problems. They are:1. Know the different ways of stopping hair loss and stimulating hair growth.2. Understand how to increase the life of your hair cells and maintain healthy follicles.3.Many websites say this is "rubbish", however, in textbooks of trichology it is recommended that "extra care" should be taken for fragile and thinning hair. These measures include using gentle shampoos as heavily medicated shampoos can affect the scalp and brushing should be gentle as well. Any tangles of hair should be separated without pulling of the hair. So, it's not so much how frequently you wash your hair but what you wash your hair with!Myth Number Two: We often hear that bad blood circulation starves the hair follicles which make them fall out. Although patients with poor blood circulation do not appear to be more likely to suffer from alopecia, tight fitting hats and wigs may cause hair loss in a very small minority of people. The mechanism is still unclear but if it occurs, this may be due to the impairment of blood flow in the scalp.

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