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Prescription drugs like minoxidil, rogaine and other antifungal hair products can be purchased. Some of these can be topical or can be taken in. Again, proper consultation to the doctor is a must even if the drug is over the counter. This is to make sure of your safety.Some of the causes of female hair loss problem can be due to stress and anxiety. Over the counter drugs are not advisable. Instead, prescribed anti-anxiety drugs can be taken in to relieve hair loss.Eat healthy foods - Healthy foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals for the hair is another female hair loss treatment. This is the safest method since you are only making your hair healthy.Surgery - If all else fails, the last resort in adult female hair loss problem is hair surgery or hair transplant. Doctors will get hair from donors and implant hair into your hair.Therapy aims to slow or reduce hair loss, stimulate partial regrowth or replace damaged hair. Surgical therapy involving hair transplantation is available from some specialist dermatologists and could be useful for some men with advanced balding. Non-surgical treatments consist of lotions and tablets. In general, these must be utilized continuously to preserve regrowth. If therapy is stopped, regrowth ceases and hair loss will commence once again. Cosmetic alternatives contain wigs and hairpieces.

Full Lace Front Wigs
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