High Quality Clip In Human Hair
In present high technology era there are a lot of available options in wig color and style to choose from.one should keep in mind before finalizing wig that the color of wig should match the skin texture. American African wig can be taken as a solid example of it. They come in different dark shades and are used to emphasize beauty of black American women. The most popular wig among African women is ebony wig which comes in various styles like wavy, short and straight and helps in highlighting the features of African American women. Locatethe center front of you hair line and gently place the front of the system atthis point then gently roll the system back into place on your scalp.Check your placement and if your happy with it press the tape onto yourscalp. If you find you are a little crooked with your placement gentlypull the system off going from back to front, readjust the placement and repeatthe procedure. Once the system is in place style the hair into yourexisting hair and you should be ready to go. After a few tries thisaction becomes second nature.If youreusing a full head bond you are probably using an adhesive so your preparation willbe slightly different. Again, it is important to have system, hair andscalp completely clean and free from dirt and oil. It is particularlyimportant to prepare the scalp utilizing a scalp cleaner and scalp prep.The cleaner has an astringent value that will close the pores and the scalpprep will coat the skin on the scalp to keep potential bacteria from makingits way into the skin. If youre wearing a skin system, wipe the basewith 99% alcohol and allow to completely dry.
