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Natural African hair care is actually pretty straight forward, moisturize, moisturize and moisturize. Although there are many retail products out there, we can actually care for our hair pretty well with everyday household items or things we might find in the kitchen. For instance, I use coconut and olive oil to give myself a hot oil treatment before I co-wash (wash w/ conditioner). My hair loves coconut and olive oil and reveals beautiful, soft and shiny curls from a two-strand twist out. Many natural African hair conditioning methods contain other household items such as, avocado, castor oil, Shea butter or honey. Add one leave in conditioner and you can create your own deep conditioning regiment.Hair loss causes common in women include the aftermath of a divorce or death in the family. Telogen effluvium usually occurs 6 weeks to 12 weeks after the stressful event.Traction AlopeciaTraction alopecia happens when hair twisting or excessive pulling inflicted too much stress on the hair resulting it to break easily. Frequently having tight hairstyles strains the hair follicles in the scalp and results to excessive hair fall.Traction alopecia is quite common in African-American women who are fond of hair grooming. Although this is a less serious type of hair loss, traction alopecia tends to be permanent if left untreated.TrichotillomaniaTrichotillomania is a mental disorder of pulling the hair from the scalp or from any part of the body. People with this compulsive behaviour find pleasure in pulling their hair. Hair loss is a catastrophic event.

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