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Although, FUT is considered an advance over the 'mini-micrografting' hair transplant procedure, many transplant doctors do not consider it as advanced as FUE because the technique still requires larger areas of the scalp to be removed than single follicle extraction.What is the H+ transplant methodThe best thing about the H+ method is that the hair extraction is simple, painless, and the donor area heals within 2-4 days. Individual hair follicles are removed one by one using the H+ Extractor and Implanter by a surgeon who is wearing high magnification loupes. Patients can listen to music, watch tv and enjoy a light lunch during the procedure, which is completed in four to six hours. There is absolutely no risk of nerve damage because scalpels or stitches are not used.this kind of phalacrosis is termed cicatricial phalacrosis.The hair follicles that hold the roots of the hair could also be fully destroyed. this implies that the hair wouldn't grow back at the areas affected.Some diseases and disorders additionally cause scarring phalacrosis.These embrace lichen,injury,disklike lupus etc.Anagen emission may be a additional widespread hair loss that will have an effect on the full body with the exception of the scalp.this is often caused most ordinarily because of cancer therapy.Telogen emission - results in cutting of hair everywhere the body instead of phalacrosis in patches.this might be the results of stress of some medications.Treatment of phalacrosisMale-pattern phalacrosis sometimes is that the commonest variety of hair loss and has no treatment.

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