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If your hair is wet from showering, use a comb with wide teeth for de-tangling. It has been reported that curly hair tends to have less tangles than straighter hair, and hair tends to be curly when wet. Remember to only comb the tangles out of your hair then stop. Excess combing can rob hair of its natural oils.To keep your hair from becoming overly dry, it's best to avoid hair products that have alcohol listed as an ingredient. Additionally, avoid using a hair care product directly on your scalp, as this may irritate it or clog up your pores. Both of these no-nos negatively affect your hair's appearance.Remember that it's normal for hair to change when you age. It is possible that the hair will grow dry, brittle or even turn gray. It may even change textures, such as becoming curly or straight. If you think a change in texture could signify something more serious, speak to your doctor.Hair usually grows about half an inch per month, although this slows as you age. Each hair remains on your head for two to six years, and during most of this time is continually growing.But many factors can disrupt this cycle. The result can be that your hair falls out early or isn't replaced.A new discovery has been made in finding out what actually causes hair loss, namely: the hardening of collagen. Persons who do not suffer from hair loss have supple collagen and persons who begin showing signs of hair loss have hardened collagen. Collagen hardening interferes with the healthy functioning of the hair roots. The vital exchange process of the hair follicle cycle is disrupted and the hair becomes suffocated.But What Causes Hair LossDiet: Too little protein in your diet can lead to hair shedding. So can too little iron.

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