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Until you have tried a product that fits your hair the best, you won't even know what kind of care your hair needed. Also, it is good to use gentle shampoos occasionally, for an additional gentle touch for your hair. Nourishing masks soothe the drying effects on your hair ends and they will keep your hair from breaking. These are the most important steps to follow if you want to grow natural hair fast.Tip 2: Provide your mane with nutritional supplements and trace elements to nourish it from the inside. These come in different kinds of capsules and are useful if your hair reacts badly to the change of seasons. Elements such as calcium or mineral salts are also good supplements to use when you want to grow natural hair fast.Tip 3: Did you ever notice that it feels good to massage your scalp If not, you should try it. You will see it will do wonders for your hair.Hair is lost during chemotherapy as a response to the chemotherapy drugs. The drugs attack the cancer cells but unfortunately, they also cause an attack against the hair follicle cells as well. About three weeks into the chemotherapy is when the hair loss is likely to begin. At this point, it is difficult to predict if the hair will suddenly and quickly fall out in clumps or if it will be a gradual shedding of hair over time. In any case, the hair is likely to fall out until some time after the chemotherapy has ended.

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