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Each herbal pill of TrichoZed consists of the following ingredients like Biotin, extract of emblica officinalis, Serenosa repens and Pyridoxine Hydrochloride. This herbal supplement restricts the formation of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and prevents the shrinkage of hair follicles.Dihydrotestosterone is the main culprit causing alopecia in men. The active herbal ingredient, emblica officinalis or Indian Gooseberry effectively improves the blood circulation in scalp providing sufficient nourishment to the hair roots. These ingredients have been successful in reducing bald spots in men. It is recommended to take 2 pills a day with enough water, one in the morning and the other at night before going to sleep. The effects of TrichoZed can be observed from the seventh day of its use, while in some it may take few more days to produce noticeable effects.There are multiple techniques possible that can be used as hair growth treatment. Some of them are natural and some of them rather based on a special medicine. But there is no doubt that most of them actually work.Natural ways for a careful hair treatment reach from eating food rich in vitamins each day to regular scalp massage. A balanced diet is a first and important step to make your hair happy and supply it with important vitamins and minerals. People rarely know how greatly food can also influence our hair structure and even stop or reduce hair loss and in some cases even influence a hair growth treatment positively. Hair is protein, thus a diet low in protein often causes the hair to become thinner or even retardation in the growth process. Stress or a lack of sleep can also be an important factor of a bad hair condition.

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