full lace Human hair

Italian Yaki Front Lace Wigs
Generally, a wig should be washed after it has been worn about ten times. Before starting your shampoo, gently detangle your wig with a wig brush or a wide tooth comb. Fill your sink with cold water and the measurement of shampoo suggested on the back of the shampoo bottle. Put the wig in the water and agitate it no longer than a few minutes. Do not scrub the wig or rub it together at all, this can destroy the style. Some people like to let their wigs soak for a while but it's usually clean after the technique I mentioned above. Rinse the wig with cold water very gently and repeat the process. If you have a conditioner you can apply it at this time. Rinse out the conditioner unless the bottle says other wise. Some conditioners are leave-in.Honestly, we do not advise to use this method as your first hair straightening method.3. IHR-Probably the most advanced hair straightening method, the ion hair retexturising invented in Japan is getting more and more popular in the past couple of years. It's technology is not so simple. Basically, it is based on the penetration of ions into the follicle of each hair and changing it's formation. This treatment takes a long time, done only on hair salons but has good and lasting results.4. Blow outs-Perhaps the most common hair straightening method in the 20th century. The action is simple: just pulling a brash over a hairs and using hot hair to dry it. It takes time and you will never be able to get your hair really flat. You should also be careful with the affects the hot hair can have on your hair holding the dryer too close to your hair.5. Hair iron-The flat hair iron is the most popular hair straightening method in the past couple of years. It is made up of two metal or ceramic plates and by pulling it through your hair any woman can get a great look in no time.

Full Lace Front Wigs
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