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Women's pattern of hair loss is different to the typical receding hairline and crown loss in men. Female hair loss is limited to thinning at the front, the sides of the head and the crown. The most important factor in successfully treating any kind of hair loss is to determine quickly the correct cause of the hair loss and then immediately begin with the appropriate treatment. A common reason for mild hair loss is the lack of iron in the diet. Iron supplements may be useful if hair loss is caused by anemia or an inadequate intake of dietary iron. The best and simplest way to prevent hair loss is by eating a healthy diet. Aside from blaming one's genes as a reason for thinning hair, major hair loss causes generally include stress, medication, pregnancy, strong hair chemicals and hormones.2. Alopecia and Nervousness: Alopecia is a disorder often caused by nerves or stress characterized by a circular pattern of baldness usually on the top of the head. Alopecia is treated with injections directly into the scalp in the affected area. I have never had Alopecia, but I will admit that during stressful times in my life, my nerves have gotten the best of me which resulted in lots of hair combing out. Until you gain control of your stress, whether it is treated with medication or by a more natural way which is exercise, your hair will suffer greatly.

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