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Hair Loss & Thinning Hereditary: Androgenetic thinning (FPB) Female pattern balding Androgenetic thinning (MPB) Male pattern balding Alopecia: Alopecia areata Alopecia universalis Alopecia totalis Physical: Traction alopecia Friction alopecia Weathering (trichorrhexis nodosa) Other Disorders: Late onset thinning (age related) Diffuse thinning Telogen effluvium Pseudopelade Anaemia Hormone imbalance Thyroid Polycystic ovarian syndrome Fibroids Scalp Disorders Genetic: Seborrhoeic dermatitis Seborrhoeic eczema Pityrisias simplex (dandruff) Pityriasis amiantecea Psoriasis Acne necrotici milaris Infection: Folliculitis Folliculitis decalvans Mycotic Infection Other Disorders: Pruritis Seborrhoea Seborrhoeic cyst HAIR LOSS AND SCALP TREATMENT What causes hair loss Alopecia is the general medical term for hair loss, and it has many different causes.Find out how to choose a hair straightener and the best hair straightener for most of the cases. Worth reading even if you are thinking of hair straighteningAfter you made up your mind to straighten your hair with a hair straightener, you ...must choose the one that will fit the best to your needs. Assuming that by this time, you have realized that hair straightener is the best hair straightening method-If used properly it does not cause any damage, it does not cost a lot; it is easy to use and provides the desired outcome in no time.We have gathered the crucial parameters for choosing a hair straightener:1. Price-It is obvious that like any other purchase money plays a vital part. You must remember that purchasing a hair straightener is a one time investment which will improve your life style for years.