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Plug in the curling iron and turn on the switch. Allow the iron to heat up till the desired temperature; you can check the user manual for reference of temperature levels. Coarse, stubborn, hair need to be curled at higher temperatures than thin, soft hair. A temperature setting of 400 F is appropriate for such hair. Thin, soft hair can tolerate heat setting between 280 F to 300 F. If you have colored your hair, go for even lesser temperature settings.HAIR LOSS Losing hair in old age is a natural phenomenon but it could be a cause of genuine embarrassment if it happens in the youthful days of a man or woman. However there could be multitude of reasons for losing hair, yet retaining them is a major concern. Though there is no sure-shot method of controlling their shedding, yet it could certainly be controlled to a great extent. It is worth noting that we lose hair everyday, but problem begins when they shed like leaves from a tree in fall. You must have observed people wearing caps to hide their baldness. However most of the people suffering hair loss lose hair in patches. Hair being a very important statement of one's style and beauty certainly has a vital space in one's life. It's no more an exception to lose hair and like graying, it is also a common phenomenon. However there could be multitude of reasons for hair loss, yet we can zero in on some of the basic reasons. WHO LOSES HAIR, MEN OR WOMEN IF you think that its only men who go bald, then you are utterly wrong.

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