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Another question, I get all the time is, Do I have to cut my hair Again this may be on a case-by-case basis. I have never met anyone that has not had to cut their hair at some point during the process, but I have heard rumors that you can go natural without cutting your hair. As for me, I realized when it was time for the big chop, because my hair stopped growing, began breaking a lot and my ends became very stringy. For you it may be different.Laser hair removal is one of the best ways to get rid of unwanted body hair on a permanent basis. But as this is a relatively new technique, most people don't know much about it. For example, what does laser hair removal involve, what areas can it treat, how good is it, where can you get it done, how much does it costSo here's a short guide to everything you need to know about laser hair removal.1) What Is Laser Hair RemovalLaser hair removal uses laser light to permanently remove unwanted body hair. A short, intense burst of laser light is applied to the hair follicles which damages the hair root causing it to fall out and stop growing. During the process, the medical practitioner will hold a laser light to the area of your skin that's being treated. This will give out ultra short flashes of brilliant light which will heat up the hair follicles and make them redundant.2) Where Is It AvailableOnce you decide to go ahead with laser hair removal, the first step is to consult a dermatologist who is qualified to carry out this process.

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