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The combination of extreme heat and extreme cold is damaging for your hair. Therefore, you should try and keep the temperatures your hair is exposed to in acceptable limits. As well, never- but never, I mean it- use hair straightners or curling wands on your wet hair- more so in the winter. This will simply burn out your hair and, besides the obvious damage, it will electrify your hair, causing statics- and this will add up to the statics caused by winter itself and you'll end up looking like a hedgehog. Also, don't keep your hair covered all the time- this can cause dandruff. And besides the fact that keeping your head covered all the time will flatten your hair, harsh materials such as wool can further contribute to hair damage, causing it to break.People lose hair for various reasons. Illness and medication, like chemotherapy to treat cancer, can cause hair loss. Hair loss can also be inherited from a parent. Often, hair thins because it is fine-textured, or because too many harsh chemicals have been used on it, so it breaks easily.What if I have hormonal hair lossThe following photos show typical female hormonal hair loss patterns.Typical female baldness begins with a generalized thinning of the whole scalp. Contrary to male pattern baldness is that no receding hairlines or hair loss on the crown takes place.A generalized thinning of the hair occurs. It is seldom that a man displays the same type of hair loss pattern as a womanThe thickened hair root prevents the hair bulb from returning back to its place in the skin. Because of this, new hair will be produced, but will not be able to settle.

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