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Apply hair moisturizer before going to bed. Applying hair moisturizer during the day keeps your black hair hydrated but during the night, when the temperature usually drops, applying moisturizer to your hair is a must. Before going to bed, liberally apply moisturizer on your hair and wrap a satin scarf or bonnet around it to seal in the moisture. Remember not to use cotton bonnet as it would defeat its purpose. Don't tie the scarf too tightly as well. One good product you could use as an overnight moisturizer is Shea Moisture Coconut Conditioning milk. This product is natural and water based as well. One of the problems leaveon moisturizer has on hair is the oil content of the product. Since Shea coconut conditioning milk is natural, it doesn't have high oil content.Among all the hair restoration programs the follicular hair transplant is considered to be the most effective process. In this method the surgeon transplants the hair from the back of the scalp to the affected part. As the follicular units taken from the back of the scalp should not be damaged the donor tissue has to be removed in one piece. An integral part of hair follicle transplant is single-strip harvesting as it preserves the follicular units.Follicular hair transplant technique follows a well laid out pattern. The microscope is used to study the follicular tissue which is removed from the donor tissue. The follicular unit to be removed from the donor tissue is scanned by the doctor under a microscope before going for the hair transplant. The follicular tissues are protected by this stereo microscopic dissection method.

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