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Although patients with poor blood circulation do not appear to be more likely to suffer from alopecia, tight fitting hats and wigs may cause hair loss in a very small minority of people. The mechanism is still unclear but if it occurs, this may be due to the impairment of blood flow in the scalp. That is why extreme care should be taken by alopecia sufferers who wear these garments on their heads.Myth Number Three: Hats and wigs cause hair loss. This is untrue on the whole, all hats and wigs do is just cover your hair. Hats may even help shield your hair against the damaging causes of direct sunlight. However, if you are a sufferer of alopecia you should avoid tight fitting hats and wigs in our opinion.Myth Number Four: 100 strokes of the hair brush daily will create healthier hair. Brushing your hair does stimulate the glands on your scalp to produce oil that will keep your hair healthy. However, a hundred brush strokes does more damage to your hair than what you wish intend. A hundred brush strokes on thinning and fragile hair will be more devastating than helpful.Hair loss can lead to emotional stress and trauma for many. Although hair loss is not a debilitating or life-threatening illness, but the very thought of hair loss can give sleepless nights. Given that people connect with their self-esteem baldness, hair loss sufferers spend billions of dollars annually on remedial measures ranging from drugs, vitamins for hair oils and shampoos.It's having shown that too little biotin and Pantothenic acid (both B-complex vitamins) can lead to dry hair. However, evidence supporting the benefits of Pantothenic acid for dry hair and hair loss is very weak. Also, some people with hair loss have low blood levels of biotin. While the evidence is not strong, it may be worthwhile to try taking supplements of pantothenic acid and biotin bothersome hair conditions not helped by hair treatment products. Iron zinc also affect hair growth.Because of the side effects involved in the conventional treatment for hair loss, significant increase in interest in alternative therapies, such as 5000 years old science of Ayurveda.

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