Mongolian Virgin Unprocessed Virgin Human Hair Weave
Secondly, if you choose to stop wearing the lace front wigs you can treat your hairline with a simple natural homemade remedy of just extra virgin olive oil, a pinch of cayenne pepper and a cut from an aloe vera plant. In a blender mix together all these ingredients,pour in a bowl then brush the mixture on your edges with an application brush then gently massage the hairline and leave on for up to 15-25 minutes then rinse, condition and style as normal.The original Raggedy Ann doll from the 1920 books wore a blue flowered dress and white overall apron. Now she also had button which served for eyes which should alert you that you don't need everything to have the authentic look. Finding a simple blue dress which balloons out from the waist line and has a small white trim on the bottom, should do the trick just fine. The sleeves can be t-shirt length and the neckline can have a white collard trim. Most of the dress should be covered up by a white overall dress. The combination of the two layers will make the dress complete.
