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Shampoo and condition it well. Hair conditioning is necessary so that it will be easier for you to remove the tangles in your hair. Rinse your hair well. This will remove unnecessary residues from it. Do not use hair blow dryers right after washing your hair. Dry it with a towel first. Squeeze your hair with it but do not rob. Robbing will cause more tangles to your hair. You can apply cream to your hair to protect it from the heat of the dryer. Divide it in sections and blow-dry your hair a section at a time. If you have a dry hair, blow-dry it to about 80%. Finish it through air-drying. This will reduce the risk of drying your hair even more. It will also help if you choose a good hair dryer. Ionic and ceramic hair dryers are two of the best choices for dry, fine, and easily damaged hair.Most ancient Egyptians and some other ancient cultures used wigs to protect their shaven heads from the sun. Even the Geisha girls from Japan used wigs to enhance their lovely locks. The British members of Parliamentary used them to make them selves anonymous to keep them safe from harm. It became a symbol of sorts to the fact that they were an official member of the municipal of office. Barristers and judges continue to wear them in parts of the world as a part of their court dress.

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